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Articles in Category: Characters


Character Biogs


Now Wash Your Hands


The amiable Krikea™ hygiene droid Tony thinks he can reprogram to win the World Darts Championship. Alan may also be possessed by an inter-dimensional demon set on wiping out all life on Earth. 






Keeping the Streets Clean and Simple


Street enhancement technician Barry has been a constant in Tony’s life since they were kids. Neither of them is sure why.

Barry claims he can see the future, a power that hasn’t stopped him being run over 37 times while cleaning the roads of Burnage. 

Guy Kriton

Guy Kriton

Guy Kriton rules the UK Data Colony with a ‘Harsh but Fair’ policy. Emphasis on the ‘Harsh’ and nothing ‘Fair’. 

The ultimate in oligarchs, Kriton owns multiple corporations including, Ketflix, Krikea and Kriton Fried Chicken. Guy has a special interest in Tony’s fate and who will win the Worlds Dart Championship. 

Jules Connard


Jules Connard

An escapee from a top-secret Kriton research lab, Connard has taken refuge in Tony and Luv-e’s flat. He’s beginning to suspect he’d have been better off staying in the lab.