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Articles in Category: Characters


Character Biogs

Tony Battersby

Formally the North West's Top Bladerunner

Tony Battersby

After a workplace accident cuts short Tony Battersby’s career as the North West’s top Bladerunner, he is forced to live on a minus hours contract with an experimental care robot called LUV-E. Tony is desperate to get a new life Off-World


The KRITON™ Care-Bot


LUV-E is the ultimate in KRITON™ Carebot technology. It was believed that the LUV-E models could handle any human care scenario imaginable.

That was until one was sent to live with former Bladerunner, Tony Battersby in his Burnage flat.






Hacker's Delight


If Tony did ‘Best Friends’ Dave would be it. A self taught hacker and street pharmaceutical manufacturer Dave, is also a committed conspiracy theorist. These facts may be connected.

Has been involved with Sally Mancanga since they stole their first Commodore 64 together.

Sally Mancanga

Empowered Female Character

Sally Mancanga

Competes with Dave to be the best hacker in Burnage. Has disliked robots ever since one of Kriton’s droids ran over her grandma when she was on the way to the bingo. Made a right mess of her dress.